The new Colouring In Treloan Book 2013

A new colouring in book will be available at Treloan this year, but if you would like to pre-order a copy and get the kids started, or just want some reminders of what Caravanserai firesides and Treloan is like, comment here, or get in touch with Mac at:

bespokenwords (at)

for information and ordering.

here’s a few drawings from the 2013 collection (size is A4, or 8 x 11″, 20 pages)

more info on Mac’s colouring in books and cartoons can be found here

The Yuletide Sessions Radio Show, Sunday December 23rd at 8:30pm

The Yuletide Sessions is:
A live recording of this year’s Caravanserai Yuletide Cabaret at the Courtyard Deli.

Rob Barratt,
Helen and Arthur Spear,
Penelope Shuttle and
Dan -the balladeer- O’Shea

with an exclusive interview about the cuisine with culinary expert Rae Pollard

The Yuletide sessions are a feast of music, poetry and food that will wet your appetite for all things Yuletidish.  Tune in this Sunday and join your toasting host Mac Dunlop, some good natured hecklers and our list of accomplished performers to relive this great wintery night out held at the Courtyard Deli in Falmouth.

on Falmouth and Penryn’s The Source FM 96.1 fm, or onlline at

Caravanserai Yuletide at the Courtyard Deli, Falmouth

This beautiful poem was published in today’s Guardian newspaper (October 27th, 2012)
Before Dawn by Penny Shuttle

Come and join Penny Shuttle at the Caravanserai Yuletide Cabaret Dinner at Falmouth’s Courtyard Deli on December 5th and 6th
Get in touch with the courtyard deli on 01326 319526 to book your table

The Bard of Bodmin: Rob Barratt
Forward Prize and T.S. Elliot Poetry Prize nominee: Penelope Shuttle
Bouzouki and Mandolin Balladeer: Dan O’Shea
Accordion specialist in Klezmer Music (dance songs of celebration) Helen Spear
and your Caravanserai host, a man of many unspoken words: Mac Dunlop
Caravanserai Yuletide
Dec 5th and 6th
The Delicious Menu:
A proper Toasting with Cornish Mead
Watercress & Rosewater Soup with Ras-El-Hanout Roasted Chickpeas and Sweet Potato
Home-Baked Bread & Dukkah Dip
Roasted Chicken with Fragrant Clementine & Fennel Seeds
Served with Egyptian Rice
Veggie Option
Roasted Sweet Potato & Fig
Served with Egyptian Rice
Arabic Petit Fours:
Warm Pistachio Baklava
Chocolate & Prune Truffle
Tahini Cookies
(Gluten free, and other dietary requirements catered for on request)

pics from our last fireside of 2012 on Wednesday August 29th


Mac and Will Walker pictured, see more great fireside shots at Mary Alice Pollards album here

our evening started with a rainbow…then tales of kayaking around the entire coast of Britain from Andy Mullen,

‘On a very windy & smokey evening, Andy Mullins talks about his amazing kayaking GB360 adventure to a large group of ‘kids’ of all ages at the final 2012 FIRESIDE’ Mary Alice Pollard (video by Mary below)

After this we had some lovely shared food and listened to Helen Spear playing Klezmer music on her accordion, being joined by Dan on mandolin and bouzouki, playing folk tunes and ballads, all rounded off by our dear Jamie and Beatrice ( J and B) . We got a bit wet and decanted into the Marquee until the stars came out again, when we carried on with a few more logs on the fire, as the stars twinkled around the moon.

Launch of Si and Cat’s KENSA

Si and Cat Holman launch their hand built boat “Kensa” at Portscatho on august 24th

part of their “Teach a man to fish” project

Fireside Session, August 22nd 2012

Nick and Marc from Veller Lia perform some cracking reels and jigs to get the session warmed up.

Fireside Session July 29th, 2009

Dominic Power, shakespearean legend

Dominic Power, shakespearean legend

This time we had a window of lovely evening weather after a couple of days of rain. As usual we kicked off around 8pm, with a gathering of about 40, both holiday-ers and people from Gerrans and Portscatho coming up to share food and listen into stories poems and songs as the night settled in.

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Caravanserai Film Screening, 22nd July 2009


Pete and Debs lent us a television for the evening so we could watch a recent documentary, called ‘A Farm for the Future’ by Rebecca Hosking, which looked at low-energy farming that doesn’t rely on fossil fuels.

We were joined by some compers and some people from the village, and had a really interesting discussion afterwards about farming, and our energy dependant lives.

listen to an excerpt from that discussion here

“Film Night 22-7-09”


Fireside Session 15th July, 2009

fireside-sess-15-7-09An evening of sharing poems, stories, music & memories, where local people and visitors came and read, performed or just enjoyed listening. We had a bring and share barbeque too.  Inspired and organised by Cat Holman as part of her Writer’s Residency, Mac Dunlop hosted the evening on behalf of Pete and Debs.

Cat Holman

Cat Holman

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Cat Holman, Writer in Residence, July 2009

Visit Portscatho writer Cat Holman’s thoughtful blog here> ‘write under canvas’ for a personal and detailed account of her residency and working processes. During her short time in residence she accomplished loads…as well as developing new pieces of writing she instigated participatory interventions such as blank canvas – a washing line and also encouraged people to write ‘postcards to Treloan‘ by leaving cards and post boxes at certain areas of the campsite.


I wanted writing to have a visual presence around the campsite during my residency, and to create an activity that any visitor to the campsite could join in with, regardless of how much time they had available. I loved the creative connotations of the word canvas, and the links it made between the rows of tents in the campsite and the sails on the boats visible on the sea’s horizon beyond.

Cat also ran a workshop where Debs was inspired to write her poem “Words”  read at the Fireside Session on Wednesday July 15th. At the same event Cat recited a lovely short poem she’d written in Spanish, called ‘Caravanserai’ –  on her blog she talks about how it emerged and its meaning.

Amongst the writings that Cat developed during her stay is the story of the fortune teller and the vicar that was inspired by the word ‘dukkerer’ in ‘Beneath the Blue Sky‘ a book in the project van about Romany life by Dominic Reeve… “thinking about fortunes and the paths we take in life..these two characters appeared, who are both dissatisfied with life but too steeped in family tradition to change.”