FEAST 2010

feast poster (pdf)
The idea of FEAST is to support local food retailers and producers – to help we made up a list of food sources plus an invitation to make somthing special & tell us about it  heres the invitation (pdf).

This year we’ve also had fab foraging with Robin (more on that here and here)


As it turned out, the weather was awful, wind and rain all day but we’d made a promise to do this whatever..people were preparing food & we were gonna meet and eat. Come 5 pm ish the clan gathered to discuss the options, decisions were made and the marquee roof was attached to the side of the house, strapped down onto Jamies & Macs vans,

tables were decorated and culinary delights served all manner of locally sourcd food appeared – Debs’ chocolate cake, Robins’ wild food risotto, Pop & Jo’s Foil baked Sea Bass with Nice Rice, Thommos’ Treloan Crab and Seafood Bisque , my (Nata’s recipe) Khachapuri Chinchari and many more.. check tags (listed on the right) for all culinary efforts to date.

Sammy recites a poem and Elodie sings..

a group jam of the diggers J & B, Robin, Ian and Chris P…and there’s more pics of the evening by Mary Alice here

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