new chicken coup and run

new build – chicken coip by Pete & Glen
…and a launch!

nesting lamb!

feeding time

shirley & lamb in the nest

the nest

polytunnel clearance – tomatoes, tomatoes, tomatoes

a grand session in the polytunnel – all cleared and cratefuls of toms to make chutney

pics by Mac Dunlop

topped up with seaweed- preparing the ground for the next season

honesty is the best..

squash, cucumbers, courgettes, potatoes, runner beans, flowers and herbs

very large!

the honesty stall

sign by Kate Strong

this morning we decided its about time we put out some excess produce, Sam & Kate were staying withus & in minutes a stall emerged. We’re nurturing plans for a super arty honesty stall in the future, so we’re off to a good start.. seeing how our produce goes down with campers..

Kate's beautiful tied bunches of runner beans decorated with chive flowers

whats happening in the garden

most of the salads now bolting in the heat of the polytunnel, the weather has been sunny for the last 2 weeks – hot! tomatoes, cucumber, melons, aubergines, sweetcorn, peppers, french onions are all coming along

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the project field

garden salad

salad from the garden & polytunnel – our very own produce for tonights fireside session, rocket, mustard, mizuma, ‘pick & come again’ leaves, land cress, lambs lettuce, chive leaves and flowers, nasturtium leaves and flowers, sorrel..

gardening aids – pdf downloads

companion planting:

Vegetable companion & Herb companion guides for downloading made up from info posted here

crop rotation:

rotation guide -put together from varied sources (such as this )